Enjoy the Outdoors
The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe operates six recreation areas on the Missouri River in South Dakota. Access to these recreation areas is free to the public.
Blackfoot Recreation Area
Located east of the community of Blackfoot near the mouth of the Moreau River. Two picnic tables, shades, and a vaulted toilet are installed at this facility. Used primarily by Blackfoot community members for lakeshore fishing, swimming, and family picnicking.
Old Agency Park
Located on the west shore of Lake Oahe just north of Highway 212, Old Agency Park is named after the town that once served as home to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Headquarters. Primitive, primarily used for swimming, fishing, and camping and consists of one shaded eating area, two vaulted toilets, and one grill. The Old Agency Park is also located on the west shore of Lake Oahe on the south side of Highway 212. This site has a boat ramp, floating dock, vaulted toilets, three shaded eating areas, and a garbage dumpster on site.
Rousseau Park
Located on the north shore of the Cheyenne River approximately 13 miles east and 21 miles south of Eagle Butte by road. The park entrance is 1.4 miles from the graded road and there is about a mile of road through the park. This site has three shades, four grills, a garbage dumpster, and three vaulted toilets. Used mainly for fishing, swimming and camping, Rousseau has a beautiful sandy shore line and trees to offer shade.
Aeber Creek (Pump House)
Located on the north shore of the Cheyenne River, approximately 21 miles south of Eagle Butte. This area is located next to the pumping station that services all of the municipal water demand on the Reservation. It is the closest recreation area to the city of Eagle Butte, and offers lake access, fishing, and swimming. It features a shaded eating area, one vaulted toilet, and one grill.
Bender Bay
Located on the north shore of the Moreau River roughly 9 miles south of the Sitting Bull Monument in southern Corson County. You will enjoy solitude in this recreation area that offers lake access.
Cheyenne River Guided Tours
The Cheyenne River Tribal Tourism Division offers opportunities for organized group tours to places on the Reservation and also opportunities for people to go hunting and fishing. Their office is located at Hwy 212, Eagle Butte, and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. For information about current available tours, please contact their office by email at crstgfp@lakotanetwork.com or by phone at 605-964-7812.
Hunting & Fishing
Numerous species of game are hunted and/or trapped on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, including American bison (buffalo), elk, deer, turkey, prairie dog, waterfowl, furbearer (i.e. coyote, red fox, beaver, muskrat etc.), and numerous species of fish. Guided hunts are available for bison and elk with some additional services available for dressing and transport of animals.
The fall hunting season is usually initiated with the beginning of mourning dove season, followed shortly after by upland game bird season. Upland game birds that are hunted include sharp-tailed grouse, ring-necked pheasant, and gray partridge. Sharp-tailed grouse are the main game bird species on tribal lands. Big game hunted on the reservation include mule deer, white-tailed deer, and pronghorn. Merriam’s turkey is also a favorite bag during the fall season, along with numerous species of waterfowl. Several species are also open year-round.
The Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation contains both trust and non-trust lands. Hunting and fishing regulation on Trust lands (tribal and allotted lands) falls under the jurisdiction of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe’s Game, Fish, and Parks Department (www.crstgfp.com). Hunting and fishing on non-trust lands-state, private, fee, and deeded lands for nonmembers of the Tribe, falls under jurisdiction of the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks (www.sdgfp.info).
As with hunting on private lands, permission must be granted first for all non-members hunting on tribal lands. Cheyenne River Game, Fish, and Park’s office provides land status maps free of charge to all interested parties. Larger, more detailed maps are also available for purchase. The map provides hunters with the status of the land throughout the reservation and who to contact to obtain permission for hunting.
For more information about hunting and fishing opportunities on the Reservation, you may contact the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe’s Game, Fish, and Parks Department at 605-964-7812 or crstgfp@lakotanetwork.com. Their office is located at Hwy 212, Eagle Butte, and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.