
HC 83 Box 100, Dupree, SD 57623
605-365-5217 or 605-365-5360
7am – 5pm, Mon. – Fri.; 7am – 2pm, Sat. (times may vary on Sat.)
sells bulk petroleum and gravel
PO Box 164, Trail City, SD 57657
9am – 5pm, Mon. – Fri.
heating, cooling, commercial refrigeration

PO Box 892, Eagle Butte, SD 57625 
New Construction and Remodeling, Decks, Doors, Windows etc.

PO Box 315, Dupree SD
8am – 5pm, Mon. – Fri.
building and remodeling, remodels homes, constructs garages, etc.
BIA Rt. 8 MM17 PO Box 818 Eagle Butte, SD 57625
vary, call for information

water lines, septic etc.

HC 83 Box 35, Dupree, SD 57623
9am – 5pm, Mon. – Fri., call or leave a message
Construction and Asbestos Contractor; New Construction, Cementing, Remodeling, Decks, Fencing, Frames, Barns, etc.
PO Box 5, Dupree, SD 57623
vary, call for information
hot mix hauling, cattle, gravel
PO Box 91, Dupree, SD 57623
605-365-7430, 605-365-5211, 605-200-2637
call for information
small equipment, cleaning and building corrals, snow removal
HCR 64 Box 176, Timber Lake, SD
605-865-3586 Shop: 605-845-6038
anytime, call to make arrangements
trucking; hauling cattle, grain, hay, rock and corn
PO Box 176, Timber Lake, SD 57656
Plumbing, Heating, Gas, HVAC
PO Box 345, Dupree, SD 57623
605-365-5398, 605-365-6104 (cell)
anytime, call to make arrangements
trucking; grain, hay, livestock, rock hauling
PO Box 335, Eagle Butte, SD 57625
605-964-7645 or 605-964-6717
vary, call for information
dirt construction such as building site foundations, dams, etc.
Phone: 605-964-3687
Fax: 605-964-3689
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
412 S. Main Street