
PO Box 586, Dupree, SD 57623
anytime, call to make arrangements
Trucking, Heavy equipment operation, Hauling, Water related services & Earth moving equipment

HCR 76 Box 12Parade, SD 57625
vary, call for information
Foundation, corral cleaning etc.
PO Box 115 /101 Kansas St., Isabel, SD 57633
8am – 5pm, Mon. – Fri.
dirt work and gravel hauling
HC 83 Box 512, Firesteel, SD 57628
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
ready mix concrete, rock, pre-cast
PO Box 5, Dupree, SD 57623
vary, call for information
hot mix hauling, cattle, gravel
HCR 64 Box 176, Timber Lake, SD
605-865-3586 Shop: 605-845-6038
anytime, call to make arrangements
trucking; hauling cattle, grain, hay, rock and corn
PO Box 345, Dupree, SD 57623
605-365-5398, 605-365-6104 (cell)
anytime, call to make arrangements
trucking; grain, hay, livestock, rock hauling
Phone: 605-964-3687
Fax: 605-964-3689
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
412 S. Main Street